Reviews for Volume II



Great information, great tips, and hilarious stories!
The only thing I didn’t like about Volume II was the language was kind of harsh. I guess I was warned from the beginning but overall, I still enjoyed the book.

– Jen McLaughlin
South Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Mike and Nick,

After reading Volume I, you guys motivated and inspired me so much that I dove into the Real Estate game head first! When I purchased Volume II, I just thought you guy’s were going to be updating the material you put out in Volume I. To my surprise, you put out another winner! Thanks for the motivation and good luck with Volume II, it’s great!

– Aaron Walker
Baltimore, Maryland

Mike and Nick,

My brother and I purchased your book about a year ago. We are down here in Raleigh, NC and we own over 90 units. We still laugh about your book and repeat quotes from it all the time. After reading Volume II, it looks like we’ll be doing it even more. We didn’t think it would be possible for you to write a funnier, more helpful book but you pulled it off. Both of your books are awesome and please, please write a Volume III!

– Sean Curry
Raleigh, North Carolina